Posted in The Journey

Weigh-in News 

I weighed myself yesterday and the scale said 266.6 lbs, which to me felt both good and bad because I felt like I had been kinda stuck at that weight all throughout August. Then I went and put my braids in and that number increased to 269.8. So going back to 266.6 is a definite loss but it was hard to be excited when it wasn’t a new number. Nonetheless I was glad to see a loss. Fast forward 24 hours later I decided to weigh myself again today because today was the original day I meant to weigh myself. Unfortunately I’m up 2 lbs and of course I know there are daily fluctuations but it’s hard to actually see it when you have a goal. I’m trying to fight the feelings of hurt and sadness that this has brought on so I’m writing about it. I have a feeling it might be water retention. Even though I think I’m drinking enough water, I’m probably not so I’m going to start consciously drinking a lot more water.  This summer heat probably has me more dehydrated than I realize. I’ve been doing really well with both food and exercise (yay me :)) so I’m hoping drinking more water will correct this situation! Nine days til my diet bet weigh in… I’m going to win!